Data science is an analysis of data that can help in the extraction of required or meaningful insights for a particular business. It is a massive multidisciplinary approach to collaborate with the principles and practices of computer engineering, mathematics, statistics, artificial intelligence and more. These structures are used to study a massive amount of data collected and generated.
Data science is important for ensuring a good study of their target. It combines various tools and methods to collect data about its market. The data collected is utilized in several industries for e-commerce, medicine, and finance. Data collected is stored and analyzed with specific tools to gain proper knowledge about their market and audience for better strategy formation.
Now coming to your question: Is Coding required for Learning Data Science?
The short answer is No, but there is much more to know about the relationship of coding and data science. Data science is getting easier to learn every year with the improvement of artificial intelligence and machine learning. But it has always required coding to make the essential manual performance. For professional data scientists and beginners in the field, coding is just as important.
Learning data science does require coding language to improve functionality. Python is the required language for any beginners who aspire to become a data scientist. But as we mentioned no prior experience is required for learning, because there is a catch. Majority of students and already working professionals skip their dream in data science due to misinformation about data science. They have limited knowledge of coding and its language, hence resigning from learning data science. Surely people who have prior experience in coding languages do have a better understanding of data science.
Why is Coding Important?
In data science, the gathered data are put under several experiments to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the company. Coding is required to generate the specific tools that help to identify the correct data required for the entity. There are large volumes of data of which are not all are accurate or useful for the company. A data scientist must analyze the data present in the cloud storage by using his expertise in coding.
Regardless of cloud storage, the code can help recognize the data wherever it is stored. It helps manipulate the data and can be pulled from the start. The transformation of data into valuable information can also be conducted using data for various platforms. There are several languages of coding and Python is the basic one to start with.
Python is the basic coding language required for learning data science. Now several of these coaching institutions may make you believe that you must know coding before beginning a data science course. Let us tell you that there are several institutions that also teach Python before embarking further into data science teaching.
Scientist Express is the leading Data Science teaching platform. We teach ‘Python for data science where we cover 2 main aspects of problem-solving with Python –
1. Automation using python
2. Thinking backward
Together it makes you independent in problem-solving using Python. Our python teaching methodology is proven and hundreds of students from diverse backgrounds successfully picked up the skill. Scientist Express Python tutorial demo videos are also freely available on the Scientist Express YouTube Channel.